
Friday, February 27, 2015

Debate like a Christine Fair

People of Orient in general and Indians in particular love a good argument not based on falsehood but facts, though I should be saying Hindus (instead of Indians) not saying here because Atheists and bleeding heart secular humanists might protest saying that I am taking away Minority (read Muslims) rights, though Muslims are not the only minorities, and I am not sure how my assertion of Hinduness has got anything to do with Minority rights. Well that is what seculars say! Though it is a different matter that few idiots in west think that they are the last batch of brilliant people left in the world. You see that is why they patent turmeric as their invention.

Recently I had a friendly duel with Christine FairIt started on her post on twitter regarding the recent Missouri shoot out.

She was trying to suggest or generalize this as an isolated man doing a mindless act; this is her assessment even before nobody knows about the motive including Police. Though all incidents of similar pattern in the past, be it Boston marathon bombings, fort hood killings or for that matter Sydney siege recently, all were motivated by Islamists or Islamic Jihad or simply Islamic Terrorism.

I was just replying that atheists like her rescue Islamists unknowingly by such sweeping unimaginative generalizations, though I have told her that this comment is not related to this incident. For which she said that not all Islamists are terrorists. Yes, correct but all terrorists are Islamists, I replied.

Then out of the blue she concluded that I am maligning the Islam religion and she declared that there are also Hindu Terrorists.

 I have been zealously maintaining the dignity of debate, but then she instantly dismissed me as a soapbox. I think this is how normally Atheists behave when they have no argument to make or they just lost one. Here is Tarek Fatah who does exactly that. Though it is a different case with Tarek because he is a self-declared Marxist. We know what they are.

Firstly I have admired her work on Pakistan, her recent book “Fighting to the End: Pakistan army’s way of war” which I have finished reading few weeks ago. The impression I had was that she would be objective with facts when her casual opinions are questioned. I was looking for a virile scholarship in her arguments but what I have got was vile bigotry in response. I am appalled by the behaviour of these PhD’s.

Hence I further questioned her to come up with incidents of Hindu terror, asked her to quote at least 10 and I have also said that she can include the Samjautha case which normally fancies Pakistan and Islamists of India. And I wanted to see what she has got to say on this. I was stunned by her conspicuous silence. Normally this is what PhD’s of west do when they fear of losing an argument.

I knew she had nothing to answer. Though she has blocked me on some flimsy grounds. But later it appears that she has cited LTTE as Hindu Terror and made few simplistic assumptions on Gujurat riots. I pity her ignorance.

I never thought she will bring her idiocy out in the open on subjects she knew nothing about. It is very clear that she is a half-baked crook on this subject when she says Tamil Tigers are Hindu Terrorists. Technically speaking she had nothing to cite on Hindu Terrorism apart from two sundry arguments that borders on lies and falsehood.

When it comes to LTTE, Prabhakaran was a self-declared Marxist/Communist, he being a Hindu or no Hindu makes any difference? People don’t call Islamic Terrorism just because of their whim, they (Islamic Terrorists) do what they do because of their allegiance to an ideology of death cult called Radical Islam which is structured and definitive. That is why it is called as Islamic Terrorism. It is not about being phobic about anybody or any religion. I think she has lost her way on this argument.

If she talks about Swami Assemanand and others then I would say that she is still living in her fools land. It has been argued in courts that Assemand’s confession was extracted through coercion and confessions made out of coercion will not be treated as an evidence or not enough to charge somebody, Section 24 Indian Evidence Act 1872.

After a losing an argument on Hindu Terror she conveniently chose to block me so that her PhD credentials can be saved.

This is the problem with academics whose scholarship is based on events not on some well informed theories; they react to how a specific act occurred not why. Hence their limited imagination and reliance on falsehood when they are cornered on issues on which they had nothing to say.

I do not fall under the category of normally what people think I fall under. I have already made my positions clear.

My advice to PhD’s of west is that if you don’t know about few subjects please admit that you have nothing to say and shut up. Otherwise people are going to know that you are a bunch of idiots.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Conservatism: Political V/S Economic

The rise of Narendra Modi & BJP through a historic win in May 2014 General Elections has in a way marked the end of Centre of left forces on the political land scape. But it is generally perceived that this has got nothing to do with ideological affinity between voters and forces of political right, but about economics. Hence the dichotomy of political right versus economic right must be discerned with in the Indian context.

While the imagination of communists could not go beyond the narrower theory of economic exploitation of human condition by capitalist forces, the admirers of Communism did not want to accept this political ideology as it is, hence they have customized this to their local conditions and called it as socialism. That is why you could see in the name of communism/Socialism people could do horrible things across the world. Be it the polpot in Cambodia, Stalin & Lenin in USSR and on the other extreme Cuba and Venezuela.

When it comes to economic right the debate was always between Free trade v/s state controlled economic systems. If we have to go by results of the past 50 years then free trade has won the game, notwithstanding the 2008 crisis. India has always been at cross roads. Even though the congress leaders were entrenched in Communist ideology and their visceral hatred towards Political-Hindu right, they were confused as to which path they should take. As they were already aware of the violence that was being committed in the name of communism throughout the world during their time, though they could not have acknowledged this publicly. Hence this confused approach of mixed method of economic policies.

The intention of such an approach was to use the best of both the worlds. The other way of looking at it is as indecisiveness of Congress leaders who ruled right immediately after India’s independence for a considerably longer period of time. The other phenomenon that the left could not explain was why until economy was liberalized there was no change in human condition in India? We should pursue some answers for such questions.

The primary problem was that the communist (Congress & allied) forces clubbed the economic & political ideologies in to one. Though an effective articulation of their political ideologies could have kept them in power for decades, but since there is no impact in the lives of ordinary people because of leftwing economics, people started rejecting Communists as a whole, the defeat of Congress in general elections is a compounded result of such an effect in addition to other reasons.

Indian political right is normally associated with BJP & RSS, in other words Hindu right. The Muslim & Christian right is hushed up as minority rights etc, which is not only incorrect but dangerous. First of all Muslim & Christian right has got nothing in common with Hindutva i.e., Hindu right. While the former talks about a theocratic state they later emphasizes decentralized polity. The Ramrajya which Mahatma Gandhi desired is an example of polity which Hindutva aspires to achieve, after all nobody can call Gandhi a communal.

But the economic right is totally different from political right. We can loosely call the economic right as the lobby group of free market, but it does not end just there. Additionally there is no political party in India that supports blanket capitalism; the problem has always been that of an effective regulation & implementation of rules and role of the state as an impartial facilitator.

For decades Congress and Communists have managed to morph two different strains of thought in to one calling it as political ideology and churning out political explanations for the economic condition of peoples without actually improving their lives. They instead chose to feed citizens with subsidies and other free sops with out empowering them by generating employment and other opportunities.

Political stability is possible only through economic stability. We have had examples of an ordinary citizen trying to assassinate American president due to frustration out of economic insecurity, read Charles J. Guiteau.

At the moment the media stirred up controversies are used to feed the prime time watchers with some propaganda that Political Hindu-right messing it up. We should understand that this in in line with a larger game plan i.e., to restrict the chances of coming back. This might create an impression that political left (Non-BJP) is having an edge over the govt. we should see that when the time is up to pass the bridge.

The economic right has given the government a long rope and is still with the govt. People are fine with this as long as there is an improvement in their lives economically speaking in a time bound manner and BJP might not want to wait for all the five years. The Govt. should expect more distraction from political left further for the next four years, this will continue until they are defeated more decisively in 2019 elections. Along with addressing challenges of Political left, the govt. should simultaneously deliver on the economic prosperity. We all know Modi is just good at that. We have seen it in Gujarat. India wants to feel it. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rescuing India's Secularism

Incidentally few days ago, (as we are in the midst of discussing about Theresa) I have been in a post office to send a register post. When I was standing in queue I have noticed the one standing before me in the queue with some money order forms. Then I casually looked in to his forms to see where he was sending as he asked for my pen to make some corrections, it appeared to be two orders each 50 RS is being sent to two churches in Kolathur, Chennai. Though I knew what this business is all about to an extent, I asked the person, to whom this meagre amount is being sent? He said, church.

Then he started saying Jesus is the saviour and every month we have to pay the money to the Church etc., Looked like he wanted a chance. Then I took my turn and informed that this concept of monthly contribution to church comes from tithe which is in line with old testament. ie., people should pay one-tenth of their earnings to church and there is no compromise on that, it was compulsory once up on a time in Europe, tithe was also considered to be one of the reason that sparked French Revolution. By now he appeared to be not interested any more in extending the conversion and he conveniently said that he had to go. He must have understood that this guy is a waste candidate and cannot be converted.

But in my I my mind I had larger questions, such as does the Govt. has any idea of how much money is collected and where and how it is being spent? Why cannot the Govt. take control of the finances of church and audit it ? Church is managed by Christians directly controlled by foreigners / Missionaries and Waqf property is managed by Muslims, but Temples are managed by Govt. mostly through religious endowment acts, then how can we can call India as a secular state ? Please understand what secularism is.

Missionaries seek donations from the natives and local population to make sure their psychological commitment is affirmed. Christian Missionary's dirty job does not end with converting a Hindu through crumbs, they have to make sure that the converted Hindu must remain a Christian. Hence getting money as a contribution to the church from the converts is an important strategy to sustain them. Ie., once you start paying on a monthly basis your association is further hardened.

To remain a Christian means you should possess some essential qualities, the convert should first denounce his hinduness completely. For example you have to give up all that you have been doing so far relating to Hindu religion and call Hindu gods as satans and say that people who go to temple are possessed by satans etc.,

I have seen it from close quarters when people do it. For example, in my in-law's house there use to be a maid, she is already 70 years old and a very staunch Hindu, all the time we can see her chanting a Hindu deity's name. Suddenly one day I heard that she threw all deity images from pooja rack on the road claiming that she has converted to Christianity, I really had no idea how these missionary crooks could do it. I am proud Hindu, in my pooja rack I have the photo of Jesus this never affected my routine at all. This dirty job of missionaries is possible with sustained campaign which is supported by liberal funding, sources are domestic & abroad mostly US and Europe. Rural India is directly threatened by Missionary activities. They are guillable but good and kind hearted people, this is used as weakness against them. The whole North-East insurgency movements have a direct to link to Christian missionary's activities.

As on the other day Prof. Vaidyanathan was talking about Stern magazine claim of 100 Million dollars which Mother Theresa collected in India was sent to vatican's bank ie., money collected in India apparently for which there is no accountability and congress Govt.. refused to look in to the details because it's motto has been to rule this country with the coalition of minorities.
Be it Tirupathi or other big temples, all revenues are accounted for then why not the money that goes in to church and Waqf?

The task of the current generation is to make this great nation of ours a secular country once again, as India's secular credentials were eroded by Nehru & Jinnah type politicians and Christian Missionaries. Hence the Govt.. should start by taking over the control of finances of church & waqf, at least audit the transactions and sources, too many things would tumble out of the cupboard once this is started. Secularism is a fundamental right, you know ?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Bigotry & Communism : Two sides of the same coin

What should be known before falling prey to the #Communist trap. It should be admitted that it is appealing on the face of it. That is why the legends like S A Dange & HK Surjit felt helpless, though they knew that most horrible things are done in the name of Communism. Another side of the story is that we all know that for Communism the only enemy is capitalism and its world view was shaped out of oppression people have undergone when Europe caught up with Industrial Revolution. As they saw the reason for worker's suffering was capital that was funnelled in to industry and decided that they would eliminate capitalism. In principle these communists (or Marxists) are against religion,Imperialism etc.,

But only in India Communists collaborate/collaborated with their stated enemies, ie., imperialists,Christian missionaries & Islamists. That is why Karl Marx favoured the destruction which the colonial British administration was carrying out in Asia in general and in India particular. And concluded that what British is doing in India as Creative Destruction and hence we (Communists) should not oppose it. This is the background of Communist's anti-Hindu nature. If Marx has said that "religion is the opium of masses", shouldn't that include all religions ? Why do you think only Hinduism is singled out ? Not Christianity & Islam ? Almost all the so called rationalists are Communists, who are supposed to be fighting the Superstition in all religions, but they do it in only Hinduism not the superstition in Islam & Christianity. Firstly targeting superstition in Islam & Christianity is not their focus. Otherwise they should have highlighted gimmickry which is normally the feature of masses conducted by Christian missionaries where that father keeps his hand on the forehead of someone who understandably is affected by some disease and that touch heals him. This touch cures diseases from Brain tumor to AIDS, that is what the claim is.

Hence the takeaway is, though Religion (all religions),imperialism & capitalism are sworn enemies of Marxists (Communists), but when it comes to India goal posts are changed, only Hindus & Hinduism are their enemies and Islamists & Christian-Missionaries etc., are their friends. This is the highst form of bigotry in practice. We should know it.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dealing with Secular Morons & other Half-Breeds

The indoctrination which Macaulay employed is powerful and effective than the Jihadi indoctrination. Here is why it is.

There is a breed of Indians which thinks all that is English is superior and all that is indigenous is inferior, well, we shall allow them to live in their falsehood. But for many of us as rationalists who have more passion for truth than a narrative built on lies & falsehood, we should enquire matters with out any visceral hatred and prejudice which is normally the character of Christian-Missionary type half-bred secular toads.

Colonization is an art mastered by European subjugators since 1000 years. The other method was just to kill and maim the population of conquered lands which was practised by all the Islamic Jihadists since 540 and crusaders and even before that Alexander and other Persians. As the time progressed subjugators wanted not to eliminate people physically but turn them in to slaves.

Who are slaves ? They are normally those who cannot use their mental faculties for an impartial enquiry.Physical weakness was never a criteria to turn some one as slave, but mental weakness is. That is why for thousand and more years slavery was a legal & religious right in Christendom and Ummah (Islamic Society) which they have perpetuated through out the geographies they have ruled with terror, not withstanding their higher ideals and superior moral credentials. You should read Aristotle on how passionately he argued in favour of right to own slaves, so I leave it for you to know it on your own.

The first necessity to enslave somebody is that he needs to be shown or made to realize that he is a fool, only then the psyche of a slave kicks in and the subjugator easily enslaves the targeted population.

The British colonized the whole world with relative ease through the display of their unrivalled hard power. When the time came to do it with India, they realized that it is not going to be easy. Only in this context it is important for us to know what Maucaulay said in British Parliament about India around 1830's

" I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation "

I have read this out for Secular Morons & Idiots many times, but the Christian Missionary type despicable crooks don't want to listen it. Fine I don't care.

Then started the project of distorting the original narrative of this glorious & mightiest nation. Non-sense like Aryan-Invasion theory and that Indians were bunch of idiots, only British taught them logic & reason and natives were eating grass & dry leaves earlier, only the Muslim Invaders & Mughals taught them how to make Chicken tikka & kabab and all that rubbish.

Though the majority didn't care, but the organized minority within has accepted these as universal truths as they fell for white wine and white women and/or afraid of sword. You see, every society has/had a bunch of ass-holes, India is/was no exception.

The problem was this fringe which lived on falsehood has become more articulative and powerful after India's Political independence mostly because of the patronage given by anti-national political parties & elites and these crooks managed themselves to become a mainstream. Hence even though it is not a requirement to continue to lie or live in falsehood, as the British has already left our shores, the slavery was so entrenched in their thought process that any past glory of India mentioned, instantly turns them in to headless chicken and they run amuck complaining that this is communalism.

So if we say that Aryabhatta & Bhakarayacharya were the greatest scientists this world has ever seen, so as to claim that what ever they have done was fundamental to science and they have done it when the so called western society was hunting animals for food and survival and has discovered what was already there a 1000 or 1500 years later, they say that who ever says this is a moron, because this puts Indians (read Hindus) as superiors in terms of their achievements etc.,

This allergy to truth has been an issue with all their ancestors starting from the first one who fell either because of lust or fear. Some where in their family line the thought process was corrupted. So there is nothing much we can do about it. If they call us morons, because we take pride of our past glory,history and achievements, the only thing we can do is have a good laugh and move on.