
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rescuing India's Secularism

Incidentally few days ago, (as we are in the midst of discussing about Theresa) I have been in a post office to send a register post. When I was standing in queue I have noticed the one standing before me in the queue with some money order forms. Then I casually looked in to his forms to see where he was sending as he asked for my pen to make some corrections, it appeared to be two orders each 50 RS is being sent to two churches in Kolathur, Chennai. Though I knew what this business is all about to an extent, I asked the person, to whom this meagre amount is being sent? He said, church.

Then he started saying Jesus is the saviour and every month we have to pay the money to the Church etc., Looked like he wanted a chance. Then I took my turn and informed that this concept of monthly contribution to church comes from tithe which is in line with old testament. ie., people should pay one-tenth of their earnings to church and there is no compromise on that, it was compulsory once up on a time in Europe, tithe was also considered to be one of the reason that sparked French Revolution. By now he appeared to be not interested any more in extending the conversion and he conveniently said that he had to go. He must have understood that this guy is a waste candidate and cannot be converted.

But in my I my mind I had larger questions, such as does the Govt. has any idea of how much money is collected and where and how it is being spent? Why cannot the Govt. take control of the finances of church and audit it ? Church is managed by Christians directly controlled by foreigners / Missionaries and Waqf property is managed by Muslims, but Temples are managed by Govt. mostly through religious endowment acts, then how can we can call India as a secular state ? Please understand what secularism is.

Missionaries seek donations from the natives and local population to make sure their psychological commitment is affirmed. Christian Missionary's dirty job does not end with converting a Hindu through crumbs, they have to make sure that the converted Hindu must remain a Christian. Hence getting money as a contribution to the church from the converts is an important strategy to sustain them. Ie., once you start paying on a monthly basis your association is further hardened.

To remain a Christian means you should possess some essential qualities, the convert should first denounce his hinduness completely. For example you have to give up all that you have been doing so far relating to Hindu religion and call Hindu gods as satans and say that people who go to temple are possessed by satans etc.,

I have seen it from close quarters when people do it. For example, in my in-law's house there use to be a maid, she is already 70 years old and a very staunch Hindu, all the time we can see her chanting a Hindu deity's name. Suddenly one day I heard that she threw all deity images from pooja rack on the road claiming that she has converted to Christianity, I really had no idea how these missionary crooks could do it. I am proud Hindu, in my pooja rack I have the photo of Jesus this never affected my routine at all. This dirty job of missionaries is possible with sustained campaign which is supported by liberal funding, sources are domestic & abroad mostly US and Europe. Rural India is directly threatened by Missionary activities. They are guillable but good and kind hearted people, this is used as weakness against them. The whole North-East insurgency movements have a direct to link to Christian missionary's activities.

As on the other day Prof. Vaidyanathan was talking about Stern magazine claim of 100 Million dollars which Mother Theresa collected in India was sent to vatican's bank ie., money collected in India apparently for which there is no accountability and congress Govt.. refused to look in to the details because it's motto has been to rule this country with the coalition of minorities.
Be it Tirupathi or other big temples, all revenues are accounted for then why not the money that goes in to church and Waqf?

The task of the current generation is to make this great nation of ours a secular country once again, as India's secular credentials were eroded by Nehru & Jinnah type politicians and Christian Missionaries. Hence the Govt.. should start by taking over the control of finances of church & waqf, at least audit the transactions and sources, too many things would tumble out of the cupboard once this is started. Secularism is a fundamental right, you know ?

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