
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Politics make strange bed fellows?

The most talked about incident in the recent days is JD (U) unilaterally deciding to get itself out of BJP led NDA on a very flimsy pretence that Mr. Narendra Modi has been elevated as a poll committee chief of BJP.  Though Nitish’s personal ego never allowed him to share any platform with Mr. Modi especially in the run up to last Bihar Assembly Elections and his ego has never waded from then on. Though many contradicted Mr. Kumar that why he suddenly woke up to a term coined and tailor made by congress i.e., Secularism? Most of the media and including BJP reminded him how he showered praise on Modi in the immediate after math of Gujarat riots, but I do not want to go to that far. But very recently JDU said that Modi is campaign committee chief for BJP not NDA. Then what happened in a matter of few days?
Nitish who made his political fortune by opposing congress until recently, began to warm up to the very congress he has been fighting against all his life. Yes. We knew that there are no permanent friends and permanent enemies in politics, only permanent interests but this unexpected flip flop from him shows that he simply over estimated his popularity, and is desperately trying to cash in on Modiphobia which is a media created smoke.
Is this all about Muslim Votes or does he himself aspires to become a prime minister or is it true that he cannot stomach the fact that Modi is increasingly becoming popular? It was often told by neutralists that for BJP and JDU each other’s support is inevitable for each other. Now that one has gone rougue on new found secularism and is ready to enter in to an intercourse with his onetime enemy – Congress, but not anymore. If he thinks that by breaking friendship with BJP he can gain few Muslim votes then it must be realized that gullibility of Muslim voters is fast eroding. In the post poll scenario I will not be surprised to see Nitish extending his friendship to Modi. For now two former enemies are friends, congress and JDU, for JDU doom is not too far as it betrayed not BJP but people of Bihar.

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