
Thursday, February 7, 2013

King’s Speech

Why this entire fan fare on one man. Recently Narendra Modi spoke in Delhi University’s SRCC (Lady Sriram College of commerce). Response was indeed thunderous. How thoughtful it is to go and talk to youth directly. Yes. He knows well that they are decision makers and it is more meaningful to present his case to them. On a personal note Modi’s oratory skill is certainly unrivalled, I think only Rajiv Dixit could mesmerize people like that. Students were spell bound by his convincing appeal. All is true, all of it. For a moment let us consider him as an individual and not the one who is associated with BJP. Is it not our responsibility to support an able administrator, a good politician and a moral human being? Yes. Majority of Indians always encouraged people who are true to their country. When he spoke he did not speak but his results were. Leading from front he took Gujarat to its glory, and he also realizes that the job is half done. And his detractors have run out of imagination on how to pin him down with sticky issues. The leftist media never stops chanting of 2002 riots, and Modi constantly strives to overwhelm that feeling through his good work. Politics was always about the art of possible, just that after more than 6 decades of congress rule this great country is yet to get what it deserves.
In his speech I saw a pure entrepreneur when he spoke about the opportunity which is yet to be utilized or realized. Is that not true? Out of a desert strip with no natural resources if Israel can transform itself in to a massive giant, why India cannot with its abundance in natural resources and human capital? In that sense it is apparently correct that we are yet to rise up to the opportunity. But at the same time he made us realize when he said we have moved on to become mouse charmers from snake charmers, this recognizes that yes we have made an improvement. After being the victims of Islamic enslavement for 800 years and enduring the oppression of British colonizers we have come a long way, but we are not done yet.In this context we should not compare ourselves with Pakistan that is not our benchmark, it lies elsewhere, I am not sure if it should be China.  Is he not correct when he said that our country’s growth has been held ransom by vote bank politics? Is it not a right thing to ask our populace to give much credence to development politics? What happened during Assam riots? Why should 4.5 % quota announced right before elections in UP? Shouldn’t congress stop making fool out of these hapless minorities? Didn’t he prove that he is an optimist when he talked that the glass is full half of it with water and the other half with air? That is definitely a different world view.
My favorite was on Why not export teachers? Wasn’t that just great? I recall Sathya Sai Baba once told in one of his Veda Vahini series comparing India to a train engine, ie., the world is a train and the engine to drive it is Bharath. India remained a Vishwa guru, our down fall is indeed a momentary blip, a short term distraction by people those who invaded us because of our riches. And time has come for us to lead the world and show it the right path not by the tip of sword but by reason and leading by example. I saw what a student has to say ( after Modi’s speech. I felt like I was listening from horse’s mouth.
Often ludicrously Rahul Gandhi (Raul Vinci) is compared with Modi by the henchmen of congress; he is just a kid in front of him. But to raise a question from where someone should derive authority to rule. Should it be because he belongs to a dynasty? In that case we are not doing justice to ourselves. I do not intend to comment on whether it is good or bad for politicians to encourage family politics. But it is more important to get aligned to a distinct ideology which is positive and forward thinking. Congress never had one but its leaders did have. At the times of Nehru it was socialism, with Indira Gandhi it tilted towards communism and with Rajiv Gandhi I am not sure if he had one, certainly he was progressive thinking on a relative basis. That is all. At least Rahul Gandhi should realize that “Rahulgandhi as PM” backers are going to do more harm to him than any good, that is the truth.
There was no dearth in the negative campaigning against him by the left and its cohort – paid/biased media. Some of the lies which were spread out were that the college forced all the students to stay back then he spoke only about salt, banana and milk and not the great challenges etc., for all those who are wasting their energy in trying their best to show Narendra Modi in poor light, all I can say is good luck but I have something else to say too. “It is a rare phenomenon in the current times that India could have such a great and honest man then why not support him in his good work instead of continuing to bark at the wrong tree, whatever you did it did not work out in Gujarat assembly elections and it will not work in other forum too. So please save your Ink and oil for some good work too. But I doubt if you will ever heed to my advice, surely I am not going to be the loser”.

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