Prescribed Books on History & Economics - Madras University
- Bain, J.S. : Pricing, Distribution and Employment.
- W.J. Baumol (1978) : Economic Theory and Operations Analysis, 4th edition - Prentice Hall of India.
- Bilas, R.A. : Micro Economic Theory
- Boulding, K.E., : Micro Economics, Economics Analysis.
- Calvo, P. and Waugh,G. Micro economics, 1977.
- K.J. Cohen and R.M. Cyert (1976) : Theory of the Firm, Prentice Hall of India.
- Ferguson, C.E. (1968) : Microeconomic Theory, Cambridge University Press, London.
- J.P. Gould and C.E. Ferguson (1980) : Microeconomics, 4th Edition.
- H. Gravells and R. Rees (1981) : Microeconomics, Longmans.
- Jack Hirschleifer (1980) : Price theory and Applications, 2nd Education, Prentice Hall of India.
- A : Koutsoyiannis (1983) : Modern Microeconomics, 2nd Education Mac Millan.
- Little, I.M.D. : A Critique of Welfare Economics.
- E. Mansfield (1979) : Microeconomics, 4th Edition,W.W. Norton.
- Ryan, W.J.I and Pearce, D.W. Price Theory (!977)
- Samuelson, P.A. : Foundations of Economic Analysis, Economics.
- Stigler,G.J. : The Theory of Price
- Watson, D.S. : Price Theory and its uses, Scientific Book Co., Calcutta.
- G.C. Archibald (ed.) (1971) : The Theory of the Firm, Penguin.
- W. Breit and H.H. Hochman : Readings in Microeconomics, Halt, Rinehart.
- H.A.J. Creen (1974) : Consumer Theory 2nd Edition, Macmillan
- Hibdon, J.E., : Price and Welfare Theory
- Hicks, J.R. : Value and Capital
- Richard, H. Leftwich : The Price System and Resource Allocation.
- H. Townsent (ed.) (1980) : Price Theory, Penguin
1. J. Bhagwati and S. Chakravarthy : Indian Economic Analysis : A Survey.
2. A.K. Das Gupta : Planning and Economic Growth
3. Bhagwati and P. Desai : Planning for Industrialisation
4. A. Rudras : Indian Plan Models
5. J.S. Uppal : Indian Economic Problems.
6. Planning Commission : Five-Year Plan Reports
7. Reserve Bank of India : Report on Currency and Finance.
8. Wadhwa(ed). : Problems in India’s Economic Policy.
9. Byres, Terence : The Indian Economy (OIP)
10. Srinivasan, TN : 8 Lect on India’s Eco Refor (OIP)
11. Marjit & Rayachaudhur : India’s Exports (OIP)
12. Narayana, N.S.S. : Eco Policy
1. A.L. Nagar and R.K. Das : ‘Basic Statistics’, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Ronald J Wonnacott and Thomas H Wonnacott : ‘Statistics’.
3. T. Yamahe : Statistics
4. R. Veerachamy : Quantitative Methods for Economists, New Age International. Ed.
5. Murray R Spigel and Larry J. Stephens : Statistics, MaGraw Hill International, Ed.
6. Murray R Spiegel : Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics, MaGraw Hill International, Ed.
1. Adelman, (1961) : Theories of Economics Growth and Development, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
2. Chakravarthy, S. (1982) Alternative Approaches to a theory of Economic Growth, Oxford Univrsity Press.
3. Chakravarthy S. (!989) Development Planning : The Indian Experience Clarendon Press.
4. Chatak. S,. (1986) : An Introduction to Development Economics, Allen and Unwin.
5. Kindleberger, c.P (1977) : Economic Development 3ed. McGraw Hill.
6. Meler, G.M. (ed.) (1984) : Leading issues in Economic Development 4ed. Oxford University Press.,
7. Mair, G.M., and D. Seers (Eds.) (!987) : Pioneers in Development, Oxford University Press.
8. Thirilwall, A.P (1978) : Growth and Development 2ed Macmillan
9. Michael P. Todaro and Stephen C. Smith (2003) : Economic Development, Pearson Education Pte. Ltd., Singapore
1. Allen, L.A., : Management and organisation, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd.,
2. Chandrabose, D. (2002) : Principles of Management and Administration, PHI.
3. Hellrigel/Jackson, Solum : Management - A Contemporary based approach, Thomson, South Western.
4. Hennagan, Managment concepts and practices, Macmillan India Ltd.,
5. Koontz Dohnel, Principle of Management, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd.,
6. Prasad I.M., Principles and Practicies of Management, Sultanchand & Sons.
7. Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management - Hllied Publications.
8. Sathyaraju (2002). Management : Text & Cases, PHI,
9. Stoner (2002), Management, 6th Edition, PHI.
1. G. Ackley : Macroeconomic Theory, Colier Macmillan
2. E. Shapiro : Macroeconomic Analysis
3. Levacic and Rebman : Macroeconomics, Macmillan
4. Ascheim : Macroeconomics - income and Monetary Theory.
5. Mueller : Reading’s in Macroeconomics.
6. Smith and Tigan : Readings in Macroeconomics
7. Eugene.A. Diulio :Theory and Problems of Macroeconomic Theory
8. Samuel. A. Morley : Macroeconomics
9. Dombusch, R. and S. Fischer : Macroeconomics 4th Edn.
10. Gupta, S.B. Monetary Economics
11. William, R. Branson : Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, 2nd Edn.
12. Don Patinkin : Money, Interest and Prices
13. Eeijonheud : Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes
14. GOI : Economic Survey
15. ICSSR : Survey of Macroeconomics
16. RBI : Reports on Currency and Finance
17. Bose/Ray/Sarkar (EDS) : Conteporary Macroeconomics (OIP)
1. J. Burkhed and J. Mincer (1971) : Public Expenditure, Macmillan
2. Government of India - Finance Commission Report.
3. Musgrave, R.A. and Musgrave, P.A. (1976) - Public Finance in Theory and practice, McGraw Hill, ogakusha, Tokyo.
4. Pogue, T.F., and Sgontz. L.G., (1978) - Government and Economic Choice : An Introduction to Public Financce, Hougton Fifflin, Boston.
5. Mishan, E.J. (1986) - Introduction to Normative Economics, Oxford University Press, New York.
6. Chelliah, R. (1971) - Fiscal Policy in under-developed countries, George Allen and Unwin, Bombay.
7. Muller, D.C., (1979) - Public Choice, Cambrdige University Press, Cambridge.
8. Musgrave, R.A. and Shoup, C.Eds (1970) - Readings in the Economics of Taxation, George Allen and Unwin, London
9. Seligman, E.R.A. (1969) - Essays in Taxation Augustus M. Kelley, New York.
10. Mishan, E.J. (1982) - Cost Benefit Analysis : An informal introduction,George, Allen and Unwin, London.
11. Thevaraj, M.J.K. (1978) - Financial Administration in India, Sultan and Chand, New Delhi.
12. Baumol. W.J. ed. (1980) - Public and Private Enterprises in a mixed economy, Macmillan, London.
13. Turvey. R. (19781) - Economic Analysis and Public Enterprise, George Allen and Unwin, London.
14. Government of India (1972) - Report of the Committee on Taxation of Agricultural Wealth and Income, Government of India (Ministry of Finance), New Delhi.
15. Government of India (1978) - Report of the Indirect Taxation Enquiry Committee, Government of India (Ministry of Finance), New Delhi.
16. Mudle Sudipto (ed.) - Public Finance : Policy issues for India (OUP)
17. Premchand A - Control of Public Money - The Fiscal Machinery in Developing Countries (OUP)
18. Mishra.D.K., (1985) - Public Department and Economic Development of India, Prince House, Lucknow.
19. Chelliah, R. and others (1981) - Trends and Issues in Indian Federal Finance, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi.
20. Gulati, I.S. (1979) - Centre stand Federal Financial Relations : An Assessment of the Role of Finance Commission, M.S. University of Baroda.
21. Musgrave, R.A. (1977) - Essays in Fiscal Federalism, Green Wood Press, Wesport.
22. Oates, W.E. (1972) - Fiscal Federalism, Harcourt Brace and Jovanowich, New York
23. Reacock, and Shaw, G.K. (1971) - Fiscal Policy and the Employment problem in less developed countries, OECD, Paris.
24. Dutta, Bhaskar : Welfare Economics (OIP)
25. Mundle, Sudipto : Public Finance (OIP)
1. Bo Sodersten : International Economics (1980)
2. Kindleberger, C.P,. : International Economics, 5th Edition
3. Ellsworth : International Economy
4. Caves, R.E. and Jones : World trade and payments (1973)
5. Scammel W.M. : International trade and payments
6. Scammel W.M. Internatinoal monetary policy, Brettonwoods and after
7. Chacholiades. M. L International Monetary theory and Policy
8. Chacholiades. M. International Monetary theory and policy
9. Bagwati, J. International Trade
10. Grubel H.G. International Economics
11. Machulp. F. International Monetary Economics
12. Mundle. R. International Economics
1. Laidler, D.E.W. : The Demand for Money : Theories and Evidence, Allied Publishers (Pvt.) Ltd,
2. Pierce, D.G. and Shaw, D.M. Monetary Economics : Theories, Evidence and policy, Butter Worths, London.
3. Graham Bird : The Internatinal Monetary System and the Less Developed Countries.
4. R.B.I. : Money Supply in India : Concepts, Compilations and Analysis Report of the Second Working Group 1977.
5. R.B.I. : Working of the Monetary System in India : Report of Sukumoy Chakravartjhy Committee, 1985.
6. Aschiem, J. and Hsich, Ching Yao; Macro economical Income and Monetary theory, Charles Merrill & Co. Ohio.
7. Bain, A.D. : The control of monetary supply, Penguin, London,
8. Croome, D.R. and Johnson, H.G. (Eds.) Money in Britain : O.U.P.
9. Friedman, M : The role of Monetary Policy : A.E.R. March 1968.
10. Johnson, H.G. Essays in Monetary Economics, Alien and Unwin, London.
11. Report of the Committee onthe Financial System, 1991
- Narasimhan Committee.
1. Marko Blaug : An introduction to Economics of Education, Penguin.
2. Gary,S. Becker : Human Capital 2nd Edn.
3. T.W. Schultz : Economic Value of Education
4. J. Mincer : Schooling Experience and Earnings.
5. E.F. Dension : Why Growth Rates Differ?
6. Jamison and Lau : Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency
7. T.W. Schultz (ed.) : Economics of Family
8. G.Psacharapoubs : Returns to Education.
9. H.S. Parnes (Ed.) Planning Education for Economic and
Social Change.
10. NCAER : South India : Human Dev Report.
11. Svedberg, Peter : Poverty & Unde nutrition (OIP).
SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF TAMILNADU (UPTO MODERN PERIOD)1. Pillay, K.K. - A Social History of the Tamils, Tamilnadu History-Its People and Culture (in Tamil).
2. Nilakanta Sastri, K.A. - The Colas
3. Nilakanta Sastri, K.A. - The Pandyan Kingdom.
4. Mahalingam,T.V. - Administration and Social Life under Vijayanagar.
5. Balasubramanian,C. - The Status of Women in Tamilnadu during the Sangam Age
6. Nagaswamy,R. - Studies in South Indian History and Culture.
7. Pillay, K.K. - A Social History of the Tamils, Tamilnadu History - Its people and Culture (in Tamil).
8. Srinivasachari, C.S. - Social and Religious Movements in the 19thcentury.
9. Hardgrave,R. - The Dravidian Movement.
10. Hardgrave Jr, R.L. - The Dravidian Movement.
11. Irschrick, E.F. - Politics and Social Conflict in South India.
12. Sathianadhan,S. - History of Education in the Madras Presidency.
13. Suntharalingam,R. - Politics and Nationalist Awakening in South India, 1852-1891.
14. Nambiarooran - Tamil Renaissance and the Dravidian Nationalists 1905-1944.
15. Rajaraman,P. - The Justice party, 1916-1937
1. Chatterji, Sunit Kumar, et al (ed) - The Cultural Heritage of India Vols. I - VI
2. Basham, A.L. - The Wonder that was India
3. Basham, A. L., (ed) - A Cultural History of India
4. Luniya, B.N. - Evolution of Indian Culture.
5. Majumdar, R.C. - History of Cultures of Indian People(Vols. 1 - VI)
6. Romila Thapar - A History of India, Vol. I.
7. Romila Thapar - The Cultural Past.
8. A.K. Bhatia - Tourism Development, Principles andPractices
9. Ratandeep Singh - Dynamics of Modern Tourism
10. R.K. Sinha - Growth and Development of Modern Tourism.
11. Lajpathi Rai - Development of Tourism in India.
12. Douglas Foster - Travel and Tourism Management
13. Burbant, A.J and Medik, S - Tourism, Past, Present and Future
14. Lavkush Mishra - Religious Tourism in India
15. Pushpinder, S. Gill - Tourism, Economic and Social Development
1. S.S.M. Desai - Economic History of India
2. S.P. Nanda - Economic and Social History of Modern India
3. Rothermund - Economic History of India
4. Tirthankar Roy - Economic History of India - 1857 -1947
5. G. Kaushal - Economic History of India
6. G.B. Jathar & S.G. Beri - Indian Ecomics - Vol. II
7. B.L. Grover & S. Grover - A New Look at Modern Indian History
8. Cambridge Economic History of India
1. Bipin Chandra - Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India.
2. Sumit Sarkar - Modern India
3. S.P. Sen - 1857
4. V.C.P. Chowdry - Theories on Indian Revolt of 1857
5. B.N. Pandey - A Contemporary History of the Indian National Congress (Vol. 1,2,3)
6. Pattabi Sitaramaiah - The Indian National Congress
7. Tara Chand - Freedom Movement in India
8. R.C. Majumdar - Freedom Struggle.
9. Aggarval - Constitutional Development of National Movement
10. Judith Brown - Modern India
11. S.P. Aiyar and S.V. Raju - When the Wind Blows : India’s Ballot Box Revolution
12. A. Appadorai - India : Studies in Social and Political Development, 1917 - 67
13. Krishnan Bhatia - The Ordeal of Nationhood : A Social Study of India since Independence, 1947-1970
14. R.H. Cassen - India : Population, Economy, Society
15. Biswa B. Chatterjee - Impact of Social Legislation on Social Changes
16. J.A. Curran - Militant Hinuism in Indian politics : A study of the RSS.
17. C.D. Deshmukh - Economic Development of India, 1946-56 : A Personal Retrospect.
18. Drierberg & Saria Jagmohan - Emergency in India
19. Era of Rapid Change - 1947-67, Government of India, 1968
20. Francine E. Frankel - Indian Political Economy 1947-77
21. D.R. Gadgil - Planning and Economic Policy in India
22. Kamala Gadre - Indian Way to Socialism
23. Kuldip Nayyar - India after Nehru
24. S.K. Dey - Power to the people : A Chroncile of India 1947 - 67
25. J.N. Kaul - Higher Education in India : 1951 - 71 : The Decades of Planned Drift
26. B.B. Mishra - The Indian Middle Class, Their Growth
in the Modern Times.
1. S.P. Gupta - Modern India and Progress in Science and Technology
2. S.P. Gupta - Science, Technology and Society in the Modern Age.
3. R. Venkataraman - History of Science and Technology
4. Vadilal Dagli - Science and Technology in India
5. S. Varghese Jeyaraj - History of Science and Technology
6. Kalpana Rajaram - Science and Technology in India
7. Kuppuram and Kumudhamani - History of Science and Technolgoy
8. O.P. Jaggi - Science and Technology
9. G. Kaushal - Economic History of India
10. G.B. Jathar & S.G. Beri - Indian Econonics Vol. II
11. S.P. Gupta - Modern India and progress in Science and Technology
12. S.P. Gupta - Science Technology and Society in the Modern Age.
13. India, 2000, Indian, 2001 (Publications Division,
Government of India)
1. International Bill of Human Rights, Amnesty Internatinal Publication, 1988.
2. Human Rights, Questions and Answers, UNESCO, 1982.
3. Maurice Cranston - What are Human Rights?
4. Desai, A.R. - Violation in Democratic Rights in India.
5. Pandey - Constitutional Law.
6. Timm. R.W. - Working for Justice and Human Rights.
7. Human Rights, A Selected Bibiliography, USIS
8. J.C. Johari - Human Rights and New World Order
9. G.S. Bajwa - Human Rights in India
10. Amnesty Internatinal, Human Rights in India
11. P.C. Sinha & K. Cheous (Ed) - International Encyclopedia of Peace, Security, Social Justice and
Human Rights (Vols. 1-7)
12. Devasia, V.V. - Human Rights and Victimology.
I. Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay (Magazine)
II. The Lawyer, Bombay (Magazine)
III. Human Rights Today Columbia University (Magazine)
IV. International Instruments of Human Rights, UN Publication (Magazine)
V. Human Rights Quaterly, John Hopkins University, U.S.A. (Magazine)
13. Tara Ali Aog - India’s Women Power.
14. Rama Mehta - Socio-legal Status of Women in India
15. Srinivas, M.N. - The Changing position of Indian Women
16. Nanda, B.R. - Indian Women from Purdah to Modernity.
17. Altenbar, A..S. - The Position of Women in Hindu Civilisation, Molilal Banarsi Dars
18. Neena Desai - A Decade of Women’s Movement in India.
19. Bovehur David - The Feminist Challenge, The Movement for Women’s Liberation in Britain and U.S.
20. Banbs Olive - Faces of Feminism - A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement
21. Gandhi, M.K - Women and Social Justice.
22. Radha Kumar - The Women’s Movement in India
1. Will Durant - The Story of Civilization (10 volumes)
2. Edward MacNall Burns - Western Civization - their History and their Culture
3. Judd, G.P. - History of Civilization
4. Swain, J.E. - A History of World Civilization
5. Wallbank, T.W., A.M. and Bailay, N.M - Civilization - Past and Present.
6. Burns, Ralph et al - Western Civilizations
7. R.K. Phul - World Civilization
8. B.K. Gokale - Introduction to Western Civilization
1. Sumit Sarkar - Modern India
2. Judith Brown - Modern India
3. Tara Chand - Freedom Movement in India
4. B.L. Grover & S. Grover - A New Look at Modern Indian History
5. R.C. Majumdar - Freedom Struggle
6. V.D. Mahajan - History of Modern India (Vols. I-II)
7. T.S. Shanin - Peasants and Peasant Societies.
8. Nataajan - Peasant Revolts in India, 1850 - 1900
9. S.M. Pandey - Emergence of Peasant Movement in India
10. A.R. Desai - Peasant Movement in India
11. V.B. Karnik - Trade Unions in India
12. Herald Crouch - History of Trade Unionism in India
13. I.S. Mathur & A.S. Mathur - Trade Union Movement in India
14. D.N. Dhanagare - Peasant Movements in India (1920 - 1950)
15. Sumit Sarkar - Modern India
16. B.L. Grover & S. Grover - A New Look at Modern Indian History
1 Kettelby, C.D.M. - A History of Modern Times
2. Leo Gershay - The French Revolution and Napoleon
3. Fisher, H.A.L. - History of Europe
4. Grant, A.J. & Temperly - Europe in 19th 20th Centuries
5. Hazen, C.D. - Modern Europe
6. David Thomson - Europe since Napoleon
7. Fyffe - History of Modern Europe
8. Hayes, C.J. - A Political and Cultural History of 1914 Europe
9. Marriot - Remaking of Europe
10. Lipson - Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
11. Moon, P.T - Imperialism and World Politics
12. Gooch John - The Unification of Italy
13. Grant, A.J. - Europe, The Story of the Last Five Centuries
14. Clark, G. and Sofen, L.B - World Peace through World Law
15. Huges, H.S - Contemporary Europe
16. Phillips W. Alison - Modern Europe
17. The Cambridge Modern History, Vols - 10
18. Schleicher, P. Charles - International Relations CoOperation
19. Palmer and Perkins - International Relations
20. Morgentheau, Hans J. - Politics among Nations
21. Schuman - International Politics
22. Wright, Rniney - The Study of International Relations
23. P.T. Moon - Imperialism and World Politics since 1945
24. P. Calvecoressi - World Politics since 1945
25. H.S. Hughes - Contemporary Europe
26. E.H. Carr - International Relations since 1919
27. Gadhorne Hardy - A Short History of International Affairs 1920-38
28. A.K. Sen - International Relations since 1919
29. Prakash Chander & Prem Arora - International Relations
1. Bixler, Paul - South East Asia
2. Cheeseman, H.R. - Bibliography of Malaya
3. Christian J. Leroy - Modern Burma - A Survey of Political and Economic Developments.
4. Fifield, HIR - The Diplomancy of South-East Asia.
5. Harrison, B - South East Asia, A Short History
6. Hall, D.G.E - History of South East Asia
7. Hunderson, W. - South East Asia - Problems of U.S. policy
8. Lasker, Bruno - Peoples of South East Asia
9. Purcell V. - South and East Asia since 1860 A.D.
10. Vinacke - A History of the Far East in Modern Times
11. Bipan Chandra and Others - India After Independence
12. Nanda, B.R. (ed) - Indian Foreign Policy : The Nehru Years.
13. Sisir Gupta, K. - Kashmir : A Study in India-Pakistan Relations
14. Ramesh Thakur - The Politics and Economics of India’s Foreign Policy.
15. Dutt, V.P. - India’s Foreign Policy in Changing World
16 Farmer, B.H - An introduction to South Asia
17. Deb Arinda - Bhuttan and India : A Study in Frontier Political Relations
18. Shelter V. Kodikara (ed) - Dilemmas of Indo-Sri Lanka Relations
19. Phadis Urmila and Others : Maldives : Winds of Change
in the Atoll State
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