The recent visit by the Chinese premier Li has raised much debate and a positive out look in his first spell of foreign tour after taking over as a premier of Communist china simply because he chose India as a first stop in his current leg of foreign tour. He himself mentioned in his joint press conference with India's PM that due to the importance he assigned towards India, he chose to anchor first in India, which provided much fodder for Indian Media which has been chewing it for quite some time. And went on further eulogizing hindi - chin bhai bhai stuff.
Let's be more realistic in our expectations with China. Once Li wound up his Photo op in India he landed in a country what is termed as China's Israel ie,. Pakistan where he concluded or signed agreements on which India has serious concerns. Transfer of Gwadar Port to China. Caught between in the so called string of pearl, Golden triangle and Golden crescent, India has many woes ahead to be dealt with. Gandhian assertions by our PM such as " There is enough space for both China and India to grow " has only philosophical appeal and nothing more than that. We shine only when compared to Pakistan which is not a bench mark at all.
Monumental mistake/s committed on dealings with China in early stages of Post-Independence did cost us dear and we could never move past that, legacy of which haunts India until today. It is our failure to give credence to the fact that China can never make love with a democratic India, should not we be seeing it through ? To go by a favorite quote " Show Me Your Company And I’ll Tell You Who You Are " Lets see the bunch of countries which are friends of China. North Korea, Pakistan ? With out trying not to be outlandish, North Korea is considered as a rogue state and Pakistan a failed or terrorist state. The revelation that nearly 80 % of terrorist attacks are hatched in Pakistan is more than an evidence and shows how Pakistan is contributing to World's instability. Now that we know China's company we should be able to tell what China is.
In 21st century, two major threats for the stability of this world is Islamic Terrorism and Communism. Both diagonally opposite with respect to their ideological inclinations but employ similar means to achieve their ends. Pakistan is more than willing to submit to Chinese suzerainty as it thinks that Hindu India is a threat to its existence, with out realizing a fact that under the nose of communism they cannot pray Allah. As a country India which was just relieved through political independence from 1000 year old colonial yoke (Islamic & British rule included) it always took a stand making sure it does not anger any bloc in the cold war era and any other bloc in the current era. So there was this Panhsheel and NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) distortion which still remains to be a stumbling block.
For China and Pakistan they are very clear on their goals ie., not to provide any avenues for Indian dominance with in Asia in particular and in world in general. India has always been sensitive towards China's concerns let it be Tibet or Taiwan etc., but there was never an element of reciprocity in Chinese approach towards India. Hundreds of Chinese Military incursions every year in to Indian Territory is a case in point. But India never indulged in such a behavior either with Pakistan or China. The ruling politicians call it as Soft Power but I would call it incapability.
Barring aside the requirement to attain a greater economic supremacy Vis-a-Vis China it is important to maintain the balance of Power in Asia by beefing up India's defense and intelligence capabilities which is a way to go for her. If it is not due to the out right rejection of Capitalism but it is definitely due to her love for Socialism/Marxism made India a loser. With Communists/Marxists/Maoists deeply penetrated in India media which wields an enormous power in guiding public opinion, the state of India and its future is in cross roads.
In the emerging Bi-polar reality Russia (or USSR) is already knocked out of the game whose economic supremacy is greatly dwindled but technological supremacy with respect to defense industry still remains to an extent, and the new comer to take erstwhile USSR's position is undoubtedly China and the defending champion is USA. Just like in the cold war era India in its attempt to take a middle course reached no where, now it is in the dilemma of emerging US - China bipolarity, as in what stand it should take. The Internal & Economic security is so fragile that it cannot take an independent stand. Though we have talked about "Look East" it seems we have never looked east. In east it is Japan and in West it is USA are our only allies to counter new axis of evil which is Pakistan-China in the context of Asia if not on a global scale.
And China knows very clearly that the way to drag this world in to Communism abyss is only through military supremacy and in that quest it diverted its full efforts to steal defense secrets through its army of hackers and cyber spies and reverse engineering which makes Communists an Immoral bunch.
If recent Rand Corporation's report was correct about the feasibility of setting up a Drone base in Andaman Nicobar Islands for an eventual Offensive against China, India should go for it. It is an open secret that China cannot have democratic friends. If it says that India is one, then it is merely a public posture. Siding with USA in west and Japan in east is the only way to check Chinese arrogance in greater Asia.