
Monday, December 19, 2011

Ban on Bhagwat Gita – Uncivilized act by a Civilized State

It is shocking to conscience of a civilized human being to hear that Russia is inching towards banning Gita, the sacred text of Hindus and its eternal civilization. And the Hindus believe that these are revelations made by god himself, which influenced the likes of Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi and many others, current British PM mentioned he has a copy this text in his office. Reason for ban is understandably the violence which Gita propagates. Many allege that the Russian orthodoxy church is working overnight on this endeavor, and truth is yet to come to light. Its pity to see the bankruptcy of intellectual ability of the few who seek a ban. When compared to Catholic Church the Russian Orthodox Church is less fanatic, not known why it intends to do this.

Coming back to the original contention on which the ban is sought, the violence it propagates. This will be the first such claim ever made since the big bang. Approx. 25% of Russian population belong to other religious traditions which includes hindus, Buddhists, muslims and others etc., Mahatma Gandhi is a product of Gita which he admitted and preaches non-violence which he learnt from Gita. Is there a problem with the interpreters who did not apply their mind? Probably Dr.Frank Morales (Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya) shall assist. Gita neither professes Jihad nor guides to crusade and kill if someone resisted to convert to Christianity. There are many atrocities committed in the name of Christianity/Bible and Islam/Koran and none by Gita. Currently let me focus on the atrocities in the name of Bible as it happens in a Christian majority country. Please see Acharya’s site - for list of atrocities committed in the name of Christianity.

What Gita seeks is the truth and guides the mortals to salvation. God shows the way of action, ultimate reality, knowledge, renunciation, realization of the supreme self. Interpreters possibly reading this out of contest. When the brutal invaders of the recently originated religions occupied India their main aim was to distort and destroy this country culturally and at the end they could not. For the past 1000 years Islam and Christianity is trying to turn this country in to either Christian majority or Muslim majority like southern Sudan and Iran/Iraq. The strength to resist the distortion was gained through texts like Gita. And the people attracted towards Gita were not indoctrinated or given money or other benefits to change their allegiance. If the accepting levels are increasing it means people saw the truth and the church should not fear. Under the communist regime the church was in doldrums and it is only due to the religious freedom given by the successive governments it could survive. Imagine India banning Koran citing that it propagates terrorism, I really don’t think so that will solve a problem.

Riddled with many structural, institutional and political problems the priority for Russia should not be banning books. It’s hard to agree the argument that Russia has independent judiciary.GOI must impress up on Russia that what it intends to set is a bad and dangerous precedent. When Medvedev was talking about taking forward Perestroika (restructuring) initiated by Gorbachev we thought Russia is on the right path. Disturbing fact is that nobody in the ruling tandem has the will to stand up and say that it is against the cannons of religious freedom and is an intolerant behavior. Gita should not be treated like Mein Kampf. An all time friend of ours should understand the sensitivity of the situation at hand and shall intervene. The ban has at least made the cultural Marxists, missionaries and Jihadists happy and is a reason for their celebration, but not a good news for the majority.

The hope is that good sense will prevail in those who are pushing for ban. If banned it means Russia has become a Stalinist state again and its a step towards becoming a failed and rogue state.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blacked out Adjournment on Black Money

The man in whose book patriotism is the first chapter. Advani steered an adjournment motion to censure the government on black money issue. BJP could not make it. Congress is so strong in floor that through conventional warfare it can never be defeated; this is evident from no confidence motion of 2008 till today. Government contends that it has treaty obligations and they must be complied and there is no authentic and authoritative information on quantum of black money. While it is natural to believe that the reason for govt. not releasing the names may be it is trying to cover up, who knows? Based on Global financial integrity report 25 lakh crores stashed away in havens. Going back on promises made is the character of GOP and bedrock of its philosophy is to lie. One of the important commitments made by UPA II was to take a concrete action within 100 days of assuming office which is not honored and also no genuine attempt made on that front. We can call this as lying in politics which is akin to the evolving theory of “Lying in international relations” by John J.Mearsheimer.

Whenever situation of adjournment arises, GOP first says no and then call an all party meeting and the meeting would not end the impasse and it would say “ we have agreed to disagree” and then “ok lets go for vote”. By this time it might have prepared its guns through intensive back door diplomacy with the other political parties, on the eventual day it will win the floor vote and the story ends. Though there is no reason for congress to celebrate simply because it has shot down an adjournment motion. But there are more begging questions coming from the other spectrum that what BJP was doing for 6 years, I have been watching many debates and hunting for “The Answer” from bjp for this question but got no convincing answers, Tarun Vijay (BJP) could not simply do it. At the end of the day issue is not resolved. I seriously doubt the intentions of this govt. when it says it cannot release the names which mean this is a time buying tactic. In the mean time it could do whatever it takes to knock off the names from the list which the oligarch does not want to see.

Now the moot question is who are at stake? Ofcourse people. There used to be an age where ruling this vast land was a monopoly activity of a single family, thanks to regional powers else it could have been more pathetic. At the moment the trump card is the Bengal tigress. The whole solar system of ruling tandem revolves around Trinamool. Ms.Banerjee has key to everything now. Like how she forced petrol price roll back, though it was not substantial but proved how she can harm congress. Advani must be seeking her help in such adjournment motions. I don’t know if what I am saying is an attempt to re-invent the wheel or saying something which somebody has somewhere said this already. All congress thinks that it got a breather at the moment. At times I feel that it spends 100% of energy drafting laws. The attitude is for any problem let’s make a law. Another reason could be our financial intelligence shop’s incompetence, and probably that’s why FM says if we release names people with draw money and run away which does not sound like an alibi for not releasing the  names.

We are a developing economy caught in whirlwind of recent shocks and the situation is worsening, falling rupee, negative industrial growth, deficit budget and many other woes. Is it not the right thing to do now ie., to bring back the money which is blacked out. Is it not a common sense to give an assurance with a tangible dead line that our money will be reclaimed? Apparently those stole it must be punished and justice be delivered then ofcourse the country needs to know the names. And without worrying about reputation of greedy mortals the present govt. must release it. For now it can celebrate the defeat of adjournment. Advani could probably say “We will fight another day”.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lokpal – Will it become a Frankenstein monster and haunt congress?

All of us sudden we have an old man capturing imagination of the country as a Gandhian who fights corrupt elements in government. And it seems that he reasoned it after a long time that only a powerful and independent Lokpal is a panacea to kill the monster of corruption. In first place even if it is an ambitious/optimistic project, it is also a wishful thinking of a person whose probity is unquestionable. It’s agreed that we have been debating this for the past 40 years and for some reason or the other the parliament was unsuccessful to make this a reality. I am neither against nor for Lokpal bill, because unless individual minds are reformed no bill can help improve the situation. Recently I have heard in a television debate that in India we have lakhs of laws and statutes, you name anything we have a statue and a law for that purpose. I always found it unrealistic to cover everything under sun within the ambit of Lokpal. I am sure as there will be a lots of amendments to the Lokpal bill (either it can be government version or Annaji’s version) once it is approved by parliament. The premise for this argument is in India we are strong in drafting laws but not in enforcing them. On the other we are really good at selective application of laws. For example a common citizen enters a police station for a complaint it is not necessary that his complaint will be registered. The comman man is a victim of systematic apathy which is a product of Indian political system.

Anna Hazare existed even before this Lokpal spectacle and his fight against corrupt congress politicians in Maharashtra is notable. The party in power known for its miscalculations always considered Anna Hazare as a non-issue, but not after the collective strength shown on streets. Government suddenly started speaking like a drunken man as it could not handle the situation, firstly it used the notorious loose cannon Digvijay Singh who said that RSS is behind all this and Anna is a mask. Now the begging question “is RSS not eligible to fight corruption” after all they are the true nationalists. Then the individual members of team Anna are targeted. After Anna’s 10+ days of protest the government thought it has no other way but concede and gave the written confirmation that Lokpal will be tabled in the winter session. Anna was always skeptical about congress’s move because given a chance they were ready to backtrack. After all the hue and cry the debate narrowed to three points which in the recent days been debated in every television and print media, i.e., inclusion of prime minister, lower bureaucracy and citizen’s charter under Lokpal. Congress is more worried about the inclusion of prime minister. Why? That will be a million dollar question. And the answer possibly could be it is because of Raul Vinci alias Rahul Gandhi (which is also asserted by Anna himself). Sonia Gandhi wants her son to succeed the PM post because the world knows that current PM is not MMS but SG and MMS is only a mask of Antonio alias Sonia Gandhi. She thinks that bringing PM under Lokpal might hinder future PM’s routine job, the job which congress is doing since bofors or since Nehru joined Congress, I am also talking about partition.

I think the government might have decided to agree for the time being what Anna Inc says and for any future troubles they would go by amending the very bill to their benefit. This is a sure possibility; in that case will Anna go to streets every time the government intends to bend the law? I too know that people can reject the government in elections but the problem is they do not happen frequently, by that time the damage is already done. I don’t know if this is the reason why he said his next battle would be for “right to reject”. Already we are starting to hear disgruntled voices that are feared by this. Any way the feasibility of right to reject still needs to be debated. I know this great man will have a plan for sure once the Lokpal is enacted to deal with emerging situations. Once approved this will be another European product for India. As we know we have borrowed all the current day institutions from Europe and Lokpal is another such institution and I am hopeful that it will serve Indian interests. Congress is really worried that Lokpal might become its Frankenstein monster.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Darkest Hour of Harvard

Protest note I sent to the president of Harvard University for suspending Dr.Subramanya Swamy's Summer courses

Honorable President,

I am writing this to you on hearing the news that Harvard has removed Dr.Swamy’s summer courses from its roster. The institution which is supposed to be beacon light to the entire world for Right to Expression has put the same in jeopardy and it is disturbing to learn this. Let’s enquire in which way Dr.Swamy’s infringed some one’s right when he wrote an article which has become a reason to suspend his courses. The focal point of his article was that Indian Muslims were targeted by wahabi brand/Jihadist Islam which in a way says “My way or No way” you can either be a believer or Non believer. And it is a known fact that Non-Believers are not entitled to live on this earth. One thing that binds dwellers of Indian Sub-continent is Hinduism which is not only a scientific religion but a way of life. The bloody Muslim invaders converted Hindus to Islam as British converted Hindus to Christianity in its brutal rule. The Wahabi brand is so successful in its strategy of indoctrination that it turned many innocent Muslims to terrorists who are otherwise true patriots. And the effective strategy is to tell populace the truth i.e., everyone in this country is undoubtedly Hindu as supported by DNA genetic studies and everyone should realize that their common ancestry is Hinduism, if once this is realized they would not act against their own country. World looks at elite of Harvard as a bunch of jokers as of now due to its irresponsible act. Another problem with Harvard is like any other educational institution it is infiltrated by leftists and cultural Marxists who want to see the complete destruction of Hindu faith and culture.

Harvard should stop behaving like a world court. If Dr. Swamy writes a lecture in India which is specific to the context and circumstances exist in India and you condemn him in America. There is an allegation that Harvard dancing to the tune India’s GOP expecting favors for FDI in education. Only time will tell us if that is true. When Harvard in its initial response said that it stood by Dr.Swamy’s right to expression it was not a surprise. But later a group of politically inclined members bar his courses virtually keeping him out of Harvard is totally uncalled for and unbecoming of Harvard’s stature. These cultural Marxists and educated illiterates relate Swamy’s comments to Jewish Americans and African Americans accepting the Anglo Saxon Supremacy, how unwitting argument this could be. Dr.Swamy did not ask anybody to accept any one’s supremacy but to realize the fact about their ancestry and not to become a victim of radical Islam and what’s wrong in accepting the truth which is unsullied. The govt. of Saudi Arabia which funds so generously to Harvard propagates gender discrimination though they don’t write articles like Dr.Swamy’s which speaks truth. In a case Harvard should suspend its relations with that senseless state. Women cannot drive cars in that country and the reason is they would loose virginity, as far as I know that no one looses virginity if they drive cars. ( In this context I would like to quote what Newt Gingirch said - “On the one hand, Harvard accepts money from Saudis. Saudi Arabia, by the way, executes homosexuals. Saudi Arabia represses women. Saudi Arabia does not allow Christians or Jews to practice their religion, but Saudi money is fine

As you know in France Burqa is banned in public places. Now there are two dimensions to this, narrower and the broader one. On a narrow view mullahs might argue that it is about taking away religious freedom and in a broader view it is saving the state from terrorists. In same way Belgium law makers banned Burqa and Swiss move to ban minarets are backed with different reasons. Now does this mean if someone from French/Belgium/Swiss cabinet seeks admission to Harvard in future, should you deny it? If you deny the admission on this grounds then that will be another darkest hour in the history of Harvard, the first one being suspension of Dr.Swamy’s summer courses on a flimsy ground. I fear you might deny admission to the cabinet members of the mentioned European countries because you have already set an example for your intolerance as an institution. The other way I could see this as a group of people taking Harvard’s reputation to ransom, but as a president you must have intervened.

I was reading a report on the judgment given by Supreme Court of USA on Westboro church case. For all that Westboro church’s activists have done ie. Picketing military funerals with hateful language and offensive gestures such as dragging the American flag on the ground, their constitutional rights have come to their rescue.

Let me quote what chief justice John Roberts told “Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and – as it did here – inflict great pain” and he conceded that “On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker.” By an 8 to 1 vote, the Supreme Court affirmed the U.S. right to free speech, even if the speech is that of the Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church. So your action of suspending Dr. Swamy’s summer courses is against the grain of American constitution and you are not above the U.S constitution. Harvard’s action is highly condemnable as it violates the basic principles of Natural Justice.

With regards,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Congress - Double Standards in Display

There was a large hue and cry when Justice Hegde indicted the former chief minister of Karnataka for his involvement in illegal mining scam. Yes he resigned. BJP just does not have that skill to make large scams of magnitude such as 2G and CWG. The prevalent complaint is indeed Yeddyurapa abused his official powers to benefit few at the cost of state’s exchequer which is definitely an unpatriotic act. It would be naïve if we don’t realize that no political party in this country or for that matter in the whole world is free from corrupt elements. All we can do is, go by the least corrupt party. Within 24 hrs of the release of the lokayukta report on illegal mining action was taken, now that is in a way admirable action taken by the top leadership of BJP. In the same context there were other former CM’s indicted in the report including Kumaraswamy of JDU(S). Congress was up in the arms demanding former CM’s resignation immediately and JDU’s hypocrisy was at display when Kumaraswamy claimed that he is clean though the report was contrary to his assertions. At that time the collective intention was to bring BJP down.

How pity it is when congress does not let go the scam tainted individuals from their posts. Sheila Dixit, Chidambaram and others for example. With respect to Karnataka lokayukta ‘s latest order to file an FIR on SM Krishna, does the GOP of India don’t have commonsense and moral compass to send Krishna out of foreign ministry? What a shame it is. Unperturbed by the FIR Krishna moves to HC of Karnataka to stop the proceedings, a shameful act. I hope the people of this country will give a response in next elections. Lack of people activism is another reason why the corrupt elements flourish in our society. Not to say that we have started slowly through social networking and congress is feared of that development, that’s why the loyal servants of the master are trying out with innovative ways to block the dissent from spreading in web space. If congress wants to do walk the talk first it must relieve itself from the baggage that it is the most corrupt party which Independent India has ever witnessed and it must have the courage to tell the scam tainted/accused individuals to say get out and prove that it is not a party of DOUBLE STANDARDS.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kapil Sibal – A perfect Stooge of GOP’s Clique

While the whole world knows that the current Indian acting telecom minister for his famous zero loss theory in 2G case, now he also seems to be capable of gagging by his arrogance. His complaint is that in the internet space his master is not presented well. And he wants all the social networking sites to do the pre-screening before content is uploaded. Somebody told me that he was a Harvard educated lawyer, don’t know what he studied. And his efforts to impress up on the oligarch are intensified. I have seen a post in Face book which shows Sonia Gandhi wearing Manmohan Singh’s mask, and many other posts which shows Sonia as real master and MMS as a puppet. People pick up their ways to show dissent in whichever is convenient to them and what is sibal’s problem? And nobody has commited an offence against state. In a liberal democracy freedom of speech and freedom of expression is at the heart of constitutional framework and India is one such country in whose constitution there are clearly stated provisions which are meant to uphold the fundamental rights. Now the GOP plagued with many problems right from BOFORS to 2G, people dissent it to the core. In a knowledge economy like ours subjects do know who the reason is for their suffering and they express their displeasure through a convenient medium, apparently Internet- a social networking site. Only Muslim countries which operate based on medieval laws would go-ahead and ban social networking sites and stone woman for adultery.

 Sibal argues that the content posted is defamatory and the sites must not allow it. Let’s go by the standard definition of defamation – “Defamation is the publication of a statement which reflects on a person’s reputation and tends to lower him in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally or tends to make them shun or avoid him” –

Does posting of such contents lower the person’s reputation in the estimation of right-thinking members of society? I don’t think so. On the contrary it confirms the assertions of right-thinking members of the society. The congress is out to destroy this country in every aspect and the majority opposes it. It seems someone from the staff of networking site using common sense asked him to show a court judgment based on which they decide whether a content is defamatory or not. 

I am really thinking if what Dr.Subramanya Swamy is right. Once he said commenting on sibal’s 2g zero loss theory “Sibal has become a yapping dog of Sonia”. Now he seems to be really a yapping dog of Sonia. Recalling the west boro church case ( even when the activists displayed their signs about the dead soldiers in a worst possible way, the Supreme Court stood for west boro church’s fundamental rights and did not pass any strictures. And that should be the guiding principle of a liberal democracy. In this domain we as Indians have to learn a lot from Americans. When a protest is breaking out people burn effigy of a political leader they dislike, is it not defamatory? May be I am not a judge, I think Sibal is. What moral right this govt. has to tell someone to regulate when it cannot regulate itself and going for outright deregulation in every field. Already protests are started in full swing against sibal’s misdemeanor. 

After being victims of GOP’s tyranny for many decades we could see people activism emerging, which means we are improving as a country. And congress’s stooges like sibal cannot restrict it at all. May be congress can try with Emergency-II. I don’t know if Sonia is herself worried about this content posting. All that sibal needs is a chance to prove that he is loyal to the master, instead he should prove that he is loyal to the Mother Land. I don’t know even Indira Gandhi enjoyed such a patronage like Sonia does. Manishankar Aiyar once said that people who go to Akbar road(Congress party head quarters) as people going to circus and the power lies in 10, Janpath road. Until the real democracy functions people will continue to show their dissent and nobody can stop it. It’s time for yapping dogs to realize that we are not living in a feudal society.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Leftist Nonsense

We could trace the origin of the word “left” to the days of French revolution which coined the terms left and right. In the estate generals meeting hall who ever sat on left was for more egalitarian society and the right wanted to retain the old traditions. I think this was necessary as the conditions which triggered the French revolution were demanding such approaches like an organized and a systematic revolution to bring about a change. I know many scholars have argued about the ubiquitous guillotine invented to eliminate those not favoring the left. Thousands perished but still the hard-line leftist’s call that is the best way out. The right might have had wrong intentions but the approach was not bad when compared to the left. Right never wanted to consider killing people as a solution. Then we had industrial revolution where the owners of factories were exploiting the workers and the messiah – The Marx fell from sky on the earth to lobby for them which was good and he had good intentions to improve the lives of proletariat. The frequently asked question is whether the ways prescribed by Marx become a panacea for the whole world today which was more relevant when discovered by Marx to the unique conditions of fledgling industrial revolution. In his theory Marx did have a reference which says the communism could evolve to the changing times and that could be called as dialecticism, which was never applied to the spirit of its original meaning and this was also used as justification for misdeeds of greedy dictators akin to Joseph Stalin. It is ludicrous to listen the leftists when they talk about the classless society, this is simply not possible. How come a software engineer and Kooli could earn the same salary hence classes in society is inevitable and I am not talking about the race when I utter the word class. I know people like Mao dreamt about exporting the revolution throughout the world which is certainly idiotic and unrealistic. As we have exceptions in everything in this world there is only one Fidel Castro and not many and we can count few in Latin America and not many. But we have many terrible examples starting from the Khmer rouge to Pinchot all killed people and were parties who committed genocide. And North Korea’s collective madness is another example. If left’s only enemy is market economy then they are really naïve because we don’t have many success stories of state controlled economies including the super power USSSR then what is their real problem ? Coming back to original purpose of this note ie., consider the situation of left in India and how it affects India’s growth. Firstly we have many noted pseudo-intellectuals who are well qualified with relevant degrees but do not realize that they live in a nation state era and national unity and nationalism is of utmost priority then their unrealistic goals which they tend to achieve through communism. And the left in India is necessarily is a victim of china obsession.

Its congress’s misrule which lead to bad state of affairs in this country where Indian flag is burnt by the Muslim fanatics but nobody does anything about it – I think the Indian Flag Code does not apply. I shall say that this grand old party of India did re-discover the word “secularism “and manipulated that concept according to its whims and fancies. In India secularism is generally propagated by leftist media and the congress as Anti-Hindu. If someone talks Anti-Hindu he is secular, what a pity. In his words of the noted internationally acclaimed intellectual Dr.Subramaniya Swami “Congress always wanted to rule this country with coalition of minorities”.

Now the question arises how the right wing differs with lofty left. In our country all those who propagate nationalism and talks about the Hinduism are called right wing (fundamental right wing – in their words of many pseudo-intellectual leftists). Now what is wrong if I want to save my country’s inherent culture? May be the fierce full nationalists may not agree with the nomenclature – right wing, because for them it simply does not matter. As Aristotle asserted man is a political animal, we shall deduce that the right, left and centre are merely ways through which people can realize their dreams which are essentially political. It is a fact that the communism literature has produced people like Bhagat Singh – listening to his name the blood rushes through my veins. And also it has produced nationalists like Harkishan Singh Surjit – To write about his patriotism it could be a topic of another book.

As already mentioned the current state of left in India is such that they are victims of Chinese obsession. And they term the Chinese aggression not as a belligerent action but an act to liberate India from capitalism, what a ridiculous approach it is. Now all the wrongs committed by the left throughout the world can be justified under the shelter of dialecticism which is highly controversial because different personal tyrannies have different explanations. The Cambodian killings can be justified by the Khmer Rouge and so is the case of Stalin in Russia.

We shall recall Fidel Castro who is an exception. And exceptions cannot be examples or precedents. The major problem is it’s obsession with proletariat and it’s bankruptcy of ideologue and imagination. The left thinks that India is still facing the situation of Indigo growing farmers during the regime of the police state.

Going by what people think about the left in India can be seen by its representation in parliament and legislatures. Now a long time ruled state like West Bengal has already disowned the left. It survives in the circle of few educated elite. There is really a grim chance of survival for left in India if it does not change and drop its china obsession. We have few left leaning newspapers in India who justify anything and everything done by China from Tianmen to the Tibet’s Peaceful Uprising. And the other common selling point for left is communalism and referring it to Hindus. It calls secular Christian and Muslim organizations and communal Hindu organizations. It cannot tolerate the India’s marriage with USA and in its understanding it is an imperial force which may be true but that is not the point. The China is itself moved away from the Maoist thinking and now works hand in hand with US on many global issues.

To conclude the left must change its attitude and develop positive approach and stop thinking of importing revolutions and not to propagate the divide else it is set to lose the confidence of Tripura too. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sharing the fruits of development

The traditional and utopian assumption is that the result of development must be shared with all the stake holders. Now the million dollar question arises, who are the stake holders ? Though it will be distinct and separate topic to discuss debate and arrive on a consensus on who are stake holders. Let’s take an example of state sponsored terror. The state acquires land for a private party under the pretext to foster the industry and drives out the original inhabitants. Thanks to the prevailing Illiteracy. Else the state may have to pay a lot of money to acquire the land because more the awareness to the subjects more the problem to the state. And they protest for their land at times peacefully and sometimes taking up arms for which the state is the only reason. Now in our case we have three stakeholders 1.State 2.the private party 3.original inhabitants/owners. In my opinion the true stake holders are original owners.

In stone age when man survived by hunting animals ie., even before the advent of the agriculture, he shared the gains with his community(not necessarily his own family).But in current case only the fittest survives. The Doctrine of survival of fittest applies. Darwin mentioned this taking in to account the animals of forest or wildlife. We are no beasts. Nehru always justified the suffering of a tribal of this country due to displacement. In political economy Land is an important aspect for business, without which the businesses may not flourish, but we need to know at what cost the development to be fostered. We have bill for this purpose in the anvil which promises a part of the revenue earned from the land to the original inhabitants. Hope this should help.

Irrespective of what type of government is formed in centre, I think there is no scope of change. So it is only the awareness of the people at the bottom could change the situation.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Unipolar World – The reason for Turbulence

The powerless has to obey the powerful; it has been in practice since time immemorial. May be the meaning might have been changed in the current days of being powerful. Those days (I am talking about Stone Age) being powerful means the physical strength to protect one and also the dependents, now it may be money and power. It is good to see that under the garb of democracy powerless have also acquired the bargaining power.

We are living in a world which is segmented and necessarily a multipolar. We have seen the unipolarity, bipolarity and now a new kind of environment. Power segmented in one area is surely a concern for all of us. In a world of competing interests if a country wants to boast itself it has to demonstrate its ability by which others can understand that it is really a super power. One important indicator is how strong and effective is its war machine, of course this is only possible if some one is economically strong.

I really don’t know if I can say the super power should take a fatherly role in guiding the underdeveloped or the thirldworld counties. And see what happens if more than one party competes for that role-super power. We know what happened between USSR and USA and what is happening with India and China. Ultimately for any one who is heading a nation state the interests of his own people are paramount. But once the interests are addressed what’s next?

The current fragmented state of this political world is a result of power struggle between the European rivals. Though their platform to fight was initially Europe later it spread out. Though the Imperial coterie ruled this world for many years what is that they have achieved, at last they have become victims of economic slump. It is asserted that to maintain the nuclear weapons in a ready state the super power spends millions of dollars daily.

The balance of power is perpetual and a never ending game. America thought by neutralizing the USSR it won the race and never expected that it again has to compete with China and of course India. Surely it cannot bomb china and India then claim the supremacy over the world. So Unipolarity is slowly becoming a thing of past. Arms race, wars, terrorism, uneven development, illiteracy, poverty, hunger all are result of Unipolar world.

If one country has to remain as a global rowdy (super power) it has to either grow or suppress others growth. And doing the later seems to be the most opted solution which creates divide. I aint no expert on United Nations but still agree with the majority which says there is no true representation in that body. It is a good news that in 21st century we are seeing new power centers getting created, suddenly multi polarity seems to be all the more possible.

Lets abolish the UN and split (based on commonalities) the world on different zones and each zone would have an UN like institution and no zone would interfere with other except for consulting or co-ordination, then we don’t have to seek UN resolution to bomb some one. The only problem is how to deal with personal tyrannies. Otherwise in our generation I am sure that we all will experience the life in a multipolar world.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Spark of Revolution

Revolution has really become a buzz word. When we utter this “R” word then our grey cells are forced to think about Karl Marx or French revolution. The source of current wave of upheaval in the Arab landscape seems to be a road side vendor. All this started when his vegetable cart was confiscated by the police and the reason cited is he did not have a license to run that business in Tunisia. This deprived him from his only source of income and subsequent persecution by the officialdom made him to self immolate. In a country where most of the people are languishing, the top brass stays unfazed and spends time in the most luxurious resorts. They ensured fruits of all business contracts or the MOU’s signed with other countries reached their kith and kin. seems to be worst of tyrannies. There were times it was thought that revolution is only a thing of the nascent days of industrial revolution or the early half of 20th century, but what we see here is truly an example of dialectism what Karl Marx envisaged, may be a century ago. Most experts say that this is no one’s revolution but the one of a common man, meaning which no body did spearhead this, but the people on their own.  You name any dictator (some may under the garb of presidency) in the Maghreb or in the African continent most of them are perfect realists in its true Hobbesian sense. There will be genocides for money or power and also to establish the supremacy of the two great religions (Islam and Christianity) as is case of Sudan. Though the Tunisians were successful in showing the door to the malevolent dictator who ruled for decades, we need to see whether the other brothers of them would be successful from relieving themselves from the clutches of their arrogant dictators or aristocrats or monarchs.

As I right this already Egypt was successful in its revolution and many country’s leaders in Maghreb are in deep trouble, the case in point is Qadhaffi’s Libya.
The champions of democracy USA and select few European countries are known for their selective application of International principles and laws would definitely make sure that their permanent interests are not affected in the midst as Israel worried on Egypt’s liberation from Mubarak. The indigenous right wing tried to claim their share in the victory as Muslim Brotherhood did in Egypt by they were largely ignored. The revolution out of sheer frustration. Though it is broadly agreed that the law is the supreme command of a sovereign as per Austin, when leaders don’t respond and does not understand the needs of the populace this is deemed to happen. I know we cannot forget Charles Julius Guiteau who assassinated President James Garfield due to the frustration rose from the unemployment in the 19th century in USA. As USA is a liberal  democrat they could meet the challenge through passing legislation there by abolishing the patronage system in the federal services. But the Arab world is different. Highly riddled by the religious fanatics, mass unemployment, and illiteracy are some of the problems to quote. 

Thanks to the liquid gold other wise I cant imagine living in these deserts. The realists who took the reigns of the power are not reasonable at all and continue to be unreasonable. Next to Tunisia and Egypt we have Jordan, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar and don’t forget Libya is waiting to be liberated. All this inspires the mortals of suppressed civilizations/societies to demand better lives and social justice and fundamental rights from their masters. Let this be in the extreme east or Africa or Maghreb.

 Can’t we have a revolution in India to relieve ourselves from the yoke of kleptocracy?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Killer Seas - On Indian Fishermen Killing

Recently I have watched the movie Hostel in which a bunch of sick people kill their fellow human beings to relieve from stress or as an act of hobby (This is a must watch movie). Killing Tamil fishermen by srilankan navy (as it is alleged) is an act similar to the sick people in Hostel movie. When we talk about genocides of our time we only think about Hitler’s massacre. Being right wing is not wrong, the Sinhalese might have their own reasons why they want to consider Tamils as sub-humans but we are living in a world which is a liberal democrat and we are expected to honor human rights. The British (for that matter even missionaries) played their card by playing the divisive politics to further their own agenda. Between Sinhalese and Tamils we have a strong genetic link as we are from the same part of sub-continent. There is a theory which confirms that Sinhalese only inhabitated Ceylon only 100 years before the Tamils have set their foot so tamils are not aliens in srilanka.Month on Month we have a significant number of people getting killed by the srilankan navy as a result governments(centre and state) in India cries foul and for some time there is a truce and again the killing resumes.

Historically Indian government’s response was really pathetic on instances of this kind. Jayalalitha former CM of TN commented that citizens of such a mighty country like India which has a powerful military are killed by a tiny country like Srilanka is really unacceptable and in these circumstances if the PM does not know what to do he should quit. Her demand is convincing. This time there seems to be sudden interest may be because it is an election time in TN and the centre wants to show that they are defending their country men by sending the foreign secretary to Colombo and taking few series of measures which would project that GOI (government of India) is serious. But no body knows about results of the actions and steps which were taken already when similar incidents happened in the past. It is a matter of envy to any sovereign country when China showed its strong protest with Japan as its citizen was arrested on Diaoyu Island issue. China went on to suspend the export of rare earth. Not surprisingly Srilanka denies its Navy’s involvement in the killing of Indian fishermen and says it has ordered for the enquiry and we hope the report is out before the state elections in TN or at least after the elections. In India especially in TN this is mostly seen as an election issue, which is a black spot on the Indian democracy. When a fisherman of srilankan origin runs in to Indian waters we never kill them but follow the internationally acceptable legal/diplomatic process like deporting to their home land and/or trying them in a court of law which never happens in Srilanka.

India through its mighty soft power should compel this tiny nation to follow these acceptable procedures instead of exhibiting its behavior which is akin to racism. Politicians in TN assert that giving away the Katchatheevu in Palk Strait is an act of foolishness and reclaiming this territory is one great step towards solving the problem of fishermen killing. All rhetoric will sound like babble unless concrete steps are taken to solve this problem.

We can constitute a joint force of both the navies and monitor the troubled waters and identify the root causes. Also appoint a tribunal to try these cases of excursions as this will instill confidence especially to the Indian populace. Above all the governments of centre and state must pursue Srilanka to take effective steps to end this barbarian act of killing people of another sovereign simply because they have unknowingly crossed the international maritime border while fishing.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Religious Conversions – The Real Purpose

The process of conversions could be traced back to time of Jesus Christ when he told his apostles to make disciples in all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus definitely would not have told some one to kill people if a mortal is resisted to convert (as in case of massacres in Cuba when it was colonized by Spaniards, where thousands of tribals were killed by the army sent by church).It has been in practice for many missionaries who decided to employ what ever means they want to convert people to one religion.

In Indian context right from the time of Muslim invaders forcible conversion was the order of time and later came the forcible conversions to Christianity. In his words of Sri Sathya Sai Baba (India’s spiritual leader) “I have not come to create another new religion, but to make a Muslim a better muslim,a Christian to a better Christian and a Hindu to a better Hindu”. Converting from bad to good and better character is important than converting to a new religion. We belong to a land where polytheism is a way of life. The unstable mind must be changed to stable instead of converting the religions. We know Muslim conversions were ruthless in the early days. We have examples like Nithiyanandan, and pedophiles in Europe. They are Hindus and Christians respectively then why they have committed this shameful act understandably with no remorse, simply because they are not better Hindus or better Christians. Now the matter is not with religion but with their character and the state of mind. If a human being cannot believes himself but a religion surely he is degenerating. The Indian subcontinent is predominantly a Hindu Rashtra. Who ever lives beyond the banks of Sindhu River are called Hindus (according to a theory). It is surely against the universal principles if outsiders are allowed to forcibly (or through any other means) convert the residual population to some other religion. The erstwhile church which ruled the whole Europe wanted to spread the Christianity for many reasons, one prominent reason is the tithe. One of the main reasons for the eruption of French revolution is the religion, when the common man had no bread to eat on one end and on the other church was extracting the tithe from the beleaguered population. It is only when the nation states were created in Europe the influence of church actually waned. Conversions made countries to secede (Sudan a case in point). We need to retrospect how poor Africans were forced to embrace Christianity. There are many examples to quote. Nigeria and Sudan is a case in point. While the polytheistic religion asserts that there are multiple ways of reaching god (i.e., attaining the salvation) but the religions with monotheistic inclinations propagates the contrary and that is the reason why we have crusaders and Jihadists. 

We may need more revolutions like the one happened in France(French revolution) in the 19th century to defend the inherent culture and tradition from the alien and invading forces (I am talking about people who misunderstood Jesus and the great prophet).In regional sense few  state governments in India created laws which declares forcible religious conversions as an offensive act. But stealth of money power is terrifying. A tribal living in a remote village in Orissa does not really bother about any religion; he might be interested to convert if there is an assurance of material returns a chance which missionaries would not want to miss. And these hapless beings think that they could come out of the poverty yoke. A religion means a civilization and also a culture. It is only the power of culture which gave a stiff resistance to British occupation forces as they were stymied with this unprecedented strength which they have never come across in other continents. Imagine a hypothetical situation a Hindu organization (missionary) as invincible as a missionary of any other religion sent to Europe to convert people to Hindu religion, the European dwellers would definitely be unyielding and I think we in this sub-continent deserve to show the reaction to those who want to convert religions. The aliens and the invaders were able to find a place in this vast land only because our ancestors were truly non- xenophobic as in Persia or Maghreb for example. After all we live in a secular, democratic, republic set up and religious freedom is enshrined in our constitution, but forcible conversion is against this grain of the constitution. I think we should include a clause in the ninth schedule of the constitution or in IPC that forcible conversion is an act equal to disturbing the harmony of the society.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Telangana - A Dream Unfulfilled

The word Telangana still remains a buzz word in public discourse from the time centre announced that it wants to initiate the process which will culminate in creating a new state Telangana. The announcement was the reaction to the hunger strike carried out by the relatively powerful force TRS (Telangana Rashtria Samithi).It is true that we have digested exhaustive rhetoric for and against carving out Telangana from the existing state. We have to consider many after effects and also the effects if the Telangana is not carved out. Many aspects demand due consideration before we pass our judgments. It’s a common sense that we start our discussion from state re-organization commission. It is a known fact that our government is adept in creating committee’s and commissions. For our founding fathers it was an easy task to divide this subcontinent in to different states based on the linguistic lines which seems to be an obvious option. Our collective intelligence is evolved to a stage currently where we are demanding to form new states based on the development pattern and other social indices, truly we are improving.

The persecution of the Telangana people is not new but started from the time it came under Delhi sultanate rule in 14th century. We know that the ruler’s intention was never the welfare of people,any ways that is a thing of past now we are in the so called liberal democratic set up and listening to every one is important.40 percent of Andhra’s population lives in this region and significant number of this flock is understandably downtrodden. We have few theories which confirms that the primary reason of this area becoming a hot bed for naxalism is due to the indifference shown towards them by the elite ( political parties who ruled).Telangana contributes to the 70 % of the revenue of the state but relatively many social indices are alarmingly low.

Are there any risks?

Ideally there are no risks in carving out a new state but one which is water (But this should not become the reason for not carving out Telangana). In British parlance divide and conquer was/is an effective tool to govern people as long as there is a reasonable justification. Water disputes are well known between different Indian states – the most renown is apparently Cauvery river issue between Tamil nadu and Karnataka. We don’t seem to have lasting solution but it only helped different parties to score some political points at the time of elections. Within the state of Andhra Pradesh, 68.5% of the catchment area of the Krishna River and 69% of the catchment area of the Godavari River are in the Telangana region. Creating Telangana will result to be an act equal to sowing ambivalence and this will lead to vicious cycle of water war between people of the same state (India).Irrespective of whether the water tribunals which are existing for the purpose of arbitration in disputes between states pass reasonable judgments, the regional parties don’t waste time in terming them as judicial apathy possibly to appease the regionalists. One near example is recent award of KWDT-2 (Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal -2) and the parties involved are maharastra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh. Right wing rhetoric says that behind the demand of a new state there is a hidden agenda of Evangelical Army (of course an allegation).When the recent spell of violence erupted after the denial of centre to initiate the resolution in the state and in the centre many untoward incidents occurred. One of them was the Telanganites demanded that residents of coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema must go from Telangana, this is uncalled for. After all the demand is to create a new state and we should not see this as if we are carving out Pakistan from India.

Should we create another one?

Why not another state, lets try and what is wrong in doing that. We split the whole Assam, we did it in Bihar, MadhyaPradesh.The only difference between the six point formula of 1973 which was an output of political settlement and the recent Sri Krishna commission’s report is clear, while the former did not make an explicit mention of creating a new state but the latter does. The bone of contention seems to be who gets Hyderabad. The Telangana proponents assert that they would settle for nothing less than a Telangana state with Hyderabad as capital. Statements like keeping Andhra united would sound hollow with out a strong rationale. The People of Andhra are capable of picking up another capital of their own. Expecting the birth of yet another new baby (Telangana) from mother India. We are looking for bold decisions either from Janpath or Race Course road as we know they are the epicenters of power.

After all the government is not facing the Nizam’s resistance of joining Indian union but Telanganites who want a separate state.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Eternal Education

Introduction :

Education is considered as the greatest achievement in all the societies and each human being is motivated to learn some thing or the other in his/her life time. Each generation, since the beginning of human evolution, has sought to pass on cultural and social values, traditions, morality, and skills to the next generation. This article throws light and exposes the areas where the conventional educational system is unable to make its impact which is expected to do by its very existence. And it also throws light on what it takes to be a real educated person and what a real education is. What role the current universities are playing. What they are ought to do. Should the component of social consciousness be given more rigor than merely dispensing the certificates? How a guru should be. Where does the state stand in facilitating this eternal education. What are the monetary implications? I would like to do some introspection and also restrospection, this is to evolve ideas how to execute our noble intentions and also to learn the best practices from our ancestors. And to show a path in the future for our next generations. I chose the word university for my sheer convenience and also with some rationale on its usage. It is understood that when we are adults we enter the university for our studies with an expectation that after studying a specific course we should get a job to feed our stomach. And this is the place (University) where we make serious decisions about our life as adults. In the main part of the article you may have more details than what I have mentioned in this introduction.

History :

Gurukul – One of the best and a great value addition to the universal education system. Regarded for its rigor in imparting the education and was creating a social impact. In this system where a child at the age of 8 was handed over to the teacher (sage) for education. Our culture is our asset. Indian tradition asserts that a teacher should get a highest importance after mother and father, when it is a matter of extending respect and bhakti.The advantage was the student will have to be there in the gurukul till the guru feels that student has acquired the necessary wisdom for which the student stayed in gurukul for all these years, while the student leaves to work for the upliftment of the society through the newly acquired wisdom, a student can offer dahkshana (fee) to the teacher. This seems to be the simple process, but powerful and purposefull.In the ancient days the rishis and saints believed that education is merely not about filling one’s stomach but to enlighten oneself and the society and to understand the truth which pervades in every one. During their (students) stay at the ashram they physically and mentally will be directed towards the purpose of the stay. Falling under one command is an important lesson taught. In the current days few of the institutions follow principles of gurukul who show some good results. This did not mean that this is the only model to be emulated. Those who strive to attain personal enlightenment and help others light their lamps are the true leaders of the human race. Blessed are those who are useful for themselves as well as others. They attain the highest goal of life here and now. Right in this mortal world, they become immortal and their wisdom guides humanity on the path of immortality. Today's society is waiting for selfless, spiritually enlightened, well-balanced leaders to guide them in how to live happily here and hereafter. Such leaders or reformers will not come from outside our society. They have to be born, raised, and trained right in our own society. We are the ones to become our own guides, our own leaders, and we are the ones to enlighten our own lives. Get up, my friends, arise: attain knowledge, and dedicate your life to the service of your fellow beings.

Current System :

A country’s growth in all fronts is directly related to the enlightment of it’s citizens. It will be a prejudice to comment that only who go to educational institutions are elites. We have people who have never gone to schools but been a source of inspiration for the later generations. And many who have acquired a merely enormous knowledge through educational institutions and be an example of undisciplined citizens. The current status of the educational system in India remains in an unacceptable level of absurdity. We always feel that the universities should not be merely a degree dispensing institutions but a toll to uplift the society. At a time when we are contemplating of passing a bill of right to education which intends to consider the education as a fundamental right (though uncertainty prevails for making it as an operational reality) of every citizen of our motherland, we are forced to review the operational complexities of executing this herculean task. If we have to enumerate the pitfalls in our educational system (let it be state of private institutions) we might end up writing a separate book on that topic. One’s strength is in identifying his own weakness because it gives us an opportunity to deal with the weakness and this helps in being more stable. Taking shelter under hypocrisy is madness. The greatest catastrophe can ever happen is the interference of politics, which is not restricted to the political leaders it can be any one who is with vested interests compromises society’s interest. I would like to separate the politics from government. India is the largest democracy in this world and along with that it also made its place as one of the most corrupted countries in the world. And we still chest beat on our GDP growth which never impacts the common man. Are not all these bureaucrats who indulge in massive corruption acts siphoning crores of rupees are educated? This is undeniably an act of theft. Sure that they will be punished with the irrelevant laws only if they are caught. What is the use of an education which is failed to teach the basic tenet of being a civilized human being? This can only be avoided if nobility of character prosper in society. Character building is totally ignored by the conventional universities may be they might have thought that it is hard to quantify this aspect. Not sure if this can be solved if the education sector is completely taken over by the government. Off late we are struck with the discourse of imparting quality education and in these efforts recently the government tried to de-recognize some of the universities which earlier were approved by the same government as universities. Education is supposed to have a cleansing, uplifting and refining effect. If this education system is enlivened by inclusion of moral and ethical values, it will lead to training a new generation of young persons sizzling with zeal to embrace and uplift the lowliest and the lost by voluntarily educating them in an exclusive pattern, inculcating in them qualities of love, kindness, compassion, sharing and caring. Earth can thus become a place worth returning again and again. For social progress and national uplift also every citizen should compulsorily be educated in ethical, moral and spiritual values apart from obtaining merely degree certificates. Education develops a person’s intelligence and makes him fit to earn worldly as well as boon. If the values are not imparted then we will continue to have the educated IAS officers and other government officers stealing crores of taxpayer’s money. It is a matter of shame that for the so called quality education we have to turn towards the very IIT’s,IIM’s and other institutions, why this cannot become a ubiquitous reality? Another ludicrous practice which exists is if I have to study Msc physics I should have studied Bsc physics, while it is definitely a commonsensical approach but there should be a way to accommodate the exceptions. What if this country might have missed an Einstein simply by denying an MSC admission in physics because he studied BA economics or some thing else earlier. It is self-explanatory that the situation cannot be improved just in  overnight by rushing the reforms at the same time this issue should not be kept in back burner by citing the problem of shackled bureaucracy. While the government intends to disseminate the education to all the citizens at the same time emphasis on values should also be given. Another blunder made by the current universities today is treating the Distance education students as secondary citizens. Some of them (University of Madras) say if a PG is acquired through DDE he/she cannot be eligible for a PHD admission. It will be a premature assumption to say that brightest brains are available in only IIT’s/IIM’s not in DDE’s(Directorate of Distance Education).Our endeavor must be that we make values, social consciousness, nationalism and of course the intelligence as indispensible components of education. As we often tend to compromise one over the other.

Way Forward :

To drive the aspect of social consciousness in education we should consider all points mentioned below. The word social consciousness might have many meanings different contexts but for convenience we call it as “contribution towards society’s upliftment” which is not an obligation but a duty of every citizen, it is the dharma of this land.

How to measure?

It has been a practice in India that a normal degree course’s span is 3 years, usually split in semester and annual pattern. For each term we would in general approx.5 to 10 papers/subjects and a dissertation at the end of the course which is normally completed through plagiarism leaving the exceptions aside. A grade system must evolve instead of rating on percentage basis. I foresee this happening in the near future with the MHRD contemplating of implementing this concept across. The mentioned concept is not a mandatory but whoever does they should get incentives(The institutions which introduce)

An Example :

A student Sri Ram studies BA economics and his ability is currently judged by his written answers in an examination which is corrected by the teachers who only mastered few books and are strictly guided by the rigid answer keys any thing which does not fall in the purview of the answer key is regarded as incorrect, unless if that paper is picked up an able teacher who has the vast knowledge on the subject in hand. And at the end he gets 6 in a CGPA scale of 10.Now Mr. Ram as part of his project/dissertation conducts a study on the economical phenomenon in a fish market in the city. He helps them by giving suggestions as an output of his economic study which improves the life of the merchants and labourers even of a minuscule effect in the fish market. This is called the social consciousness/“contribution towards society’s upliftment in reality. Now Mr. Ram deserves a special recognition though he might not seek it. We recognize him by giving him 1 grade extra, i.e., now actual CGPA of Mr. Ram is 7 out of 10.What we are trying to do here is to show case those noble hearts and intentions who are ready to work with the spirit of giving back to the society, who can become a source of inspiration for all in a country where youth don’t hesitate to burn the national flag and go rouge. This can be applied to all degree courses right from bachelors to PhD’s.

How to deal with shortage of Quality/dedicated/committed teachers :

Recalling the one of the greatest leader of our times Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri who said Jai Jawan and Jai Kisan. It is still a matter of debate whether these two sections of citizens are given due importance while framing the policies.
We need to devise a new policy which puts a teacher before jawan and kisan. Then our punch line should be Jai Acharya, Jai jawan, Jai kisan. A teacher should get all the priorities and benefits like ex-servicemen.

An Example :

Children of ex-servicemen get special allocation in case of admission in colleges and if a serviceman travels he gets a special quota. In simple words a Jawan and a teacher should be treated alike. All the benefits given to military personnel should be extended to teachers. The crux of the duty for both is same. A jawan saves us from the external dark forces and the teacher saves the country from the internal dark force called ignorance and leads the society towards enlightment. Here the emphasis is not given on the monetary aspects but to let every one know that how important they are to develop a society. This will indeed motivate the brightest minds to take up the task of teaching. Currently selecting a teaching career is seen as a last option when a person cannot find a job then he reluctantly chooses a job as a lecturer/teacher in a recently sprouted private college and then he drags on and becomes a prodigal.
As a matter of fact the new suggestion shows a ray of hope where the recently concluded pay commission (sixth) asserts the importance of increasing the pay scale for professors, we need to wait and see if this solves the problem.

Quality Education :

What does it mean? It seems different sections have different perceptions on this feature. Going back to our basic tenets of our education which are values, social consciousness, nationalism and intelligence. If the education fails to impart these four features it means a student has merely acquired a degree certificate and nothing else. The frequent rhetoric from the industry leaders is the educational institutions must partner with industry to ensure that the students learn what the market demands. In reality this only happens with select few institutions. In simple terms Quality Education is not possible with out Quality Teachers.

To execute all that is discussed here we need forward thinking leaders. And I know that is the major problem.