Revolution has really become a buzz word. When we utter this “R” word then our grey cells are forced to think about Karl Marx or French revolution. The source of current wave of upheaval in the Arab landscape seems to be a road side vendor. All this started when his vegetable cart was confiscated by the police and the reason cited is he did not have a license to run that business in Tunisia. This deprived him from his only source of income and subsequent persecution by the officialdom made him to self immolate. In a country where most of the people are languishing, the top brass stays unfazed and spends time in the most luxurious resorts. They ensured fruits of all business contracts or the MOU’s signed with other countries reached their kith and kin. seems to be worst of tyrannies. There were times it was thought that revolution is only a thing of the nascent days of industrial revolution or the early half of 20th century, but what we see here is truly an example of dialectism what Karl Marx envisaged, may be a century ago. Most experts say that this is no one’s revolution but the one of a common man, meaning which no body did spearhead this, but the people on their own. You name any dictator (some may under the garb of presidency) in the Maghreb or in the African continent most of them are perfect realists in its true Hobbesian sense. There will be genocides for money or power and also to establish the supremacy of the two great religions (Islam and Christianity) as is case of Sudan. Though the Tunisians were successful in showing the door to the malevolent dictator who ruled for decades, we need to see whether the other brothers of them would be successful from relieving themselves from the clutches of their arrogant dictators or aristocrats or monarchs.
As I right this already Egypt was successful in its revolution and many country’s leaders in Maghreb are in deep trouble, the case in point is Qadhaffi’s Libya.
The champions of democracy USA and select few European countries are known for their selective application of International principles and laws would definitely make sure that their permanent interests are not affected in the midst as Israel worried on Egypt’s liberation from Mubarak. The indigenous right wing tried to claim their share in the victory as Muslim Brotherhood did in Egypt by they were largely ignored. The revolution out of sheer frustration. Though it is broadly agreed that the law is the supreme command of a sovereign as per Austin, when leaders don’t respond and does not understand the needs of the populace this is deemed to happen. I know we cannot forget Charles Julius Guiteau who assassinated President James Garfield due to the frustration rose from the unemployment in the 19th century in USA. As USA is a liberal democrat they could meet the challenge through passing legislation there by abolishing the patronage system in the federal services. But the Arab world is different. Highly riddled by the religious fanatics, mass unemployment, and illiteracy are some of the problems to quote.
Thanks to the liquid gold other wise I cant imagine living in these deserts. The realists who took the reigns of the power are not reasonable at all and continue to be unreasonable. Next to Tunisia and Egypt we have Jordan, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar and don’t forget Libya is waiting to be liberated. All this inspires the mortals of suppressed civilizations/societies to demand better lives and social justice and fundamental rights from their masters. Let this be in the extreme east or Africa or Maghreb.
Can’t we have a revolution in India to relieve ourselves from the yoke of kleptocracy?